Necessary, boring whatnots. Please respect what I’ve asked here, I don’t want to be a stickler on this point. I’d rather support you in your experience of everything here and that’s only possible if we respect each other’s copyright interests.
1. All content on this site is under my copyright, unless otherwise noted.
2. Do not use any content for commercial purposes without my explicit, written consent. Just talk to me and I’ll probably ok whatever you have in mind.
3. I am fine with to noncommercial sharing, so long as you provide full credit and this sharing does not somehow compete with any authorized commercial uses of my work (e.g., making and distributing prints if I ever make prints or set something up with someone under 2., stuff like that). Providing the URL to a post I’ve written (here or elsewhere) containing the material in question (not just the image’s direct address), providing my name alongside the content (Octagon Sun), or even just linking to this site are good practice. After all, if you’re sharing something, if people like it, they will be happier with you if you make it easy for them to find more of it. Reposting without credit is not permitted.
4. Purely personal use is ok. Transformative uses (within the constraints of fair use regulations generally) are totally ok, too. If you want to do anything with what I’ve done, I only ask that you please keep it family friendly.