Tag Archives: twitter


the funny thing about anti-postmodernism is we’re all postmoderns until we move on from/stop obsessing over the problems posed by (post)modernism

which we very very much have not

some of the big ones are

– acknowledging the flaws in science

– failure of language and interpretation

– perfectionism

– structuralism

– social construction (esp. treating social constructs as playthings)

– most existentialism, absurdism, etc.

– self-loathing zeitgeist

perfectionism’s an interesting one, but you see it in how people’ll identify problems in an idea and then abandon it entirely (science, religion, governance, etc).

i’d argue existentialism’s only a big deal because all the natural sources of meaning are flawed/require work, which means they can be rejected/ignored, whereas a lot of existentialists seem to want a sort of meaning they cannot resist no matter how hard they try (which isn’t going to happen).

So it’s an interesting claim that meaning doesn’t exist naturally when, imo, there’s plenty. lots of things are naturally and brilliantly meaningful if you don’t demand that they unilaterally solve all your emotional problems. the natural meanings all tend to naturally reinforce each other and are most meaningful in tandem, rather than as a lonely “meaning of life.”

dividing online spaces between minors and adults as we do is super irresponsible

adult-only online spaces are gonna be a fiction as long as the internet is anonymous.

like, imagine securing bars with the question: do you promise you’re not underage? it’d literally be criminal negligence.

children are present.

some notes:

-this is not kids’ faults. they are constantly pressured to act precociously adult.

-adult spaces are often opaque about why they’re limited. they range from “no real reason besides the owner’s dislike of kids” to “literal footage of terrorism.” incoherent.

-kids deserve a chance to participate in society and learn by experience what the deal is. a lot of ‘adult’ content could tweak itself a little bit and be fine, giving kids access to more mature, nuanced, and diverse experiences over the garbage that usually gets peddled to them.

-it’s on adults to accommodate kids and design appropriate rules and systems. we’re supposed to be the responsible ones.

-requiring kids to self enforce is never gonna work.

-kids deserve to be taken seriously. they’re human.

to end: never assume children aren’t present.

sayaka miki is good and deserves the world and her story is very sad and ppl often kinda miss what’s going on so im gonna talk about how much was hurting her :(


ppl sometimes miss all of what sayaka miki was goin through that turned her into a witch and it’s not just boy stuff so here’s a list cuz she’s brilliant:

the train scene:

it’s a way bigger deal than it might seem; there’s a reason she becomes a witch right after

  • predation on innocence; the scene is about predation on people like her (sincere, good-willed, loyal, etc)
  • loss of innocence
  • violent disruption of her justice-oriented worldview
  • moral distress b/c she can’t fix the situation (neither force nor appeal to morality)
  • even getting rid of the dudes doesn’t heal the victims or mean they weren’t taken advantage of
  • sexual exploitation/womanizing is genuinely horrible and shocking
  • the callousness
  • ppl using peace+safety to hurt others when she’s fighting hard to create that peace+safety
  • ideological dysphoria: the shock to your own identity when you suddenly arent motivated by or faithful to your core values, often due to feeling dead inside/intense pain.

[aside: i had a “train scene” of my own. it remains one of the most painful experiences ive ever had.see my essay on moral distress: http://octagonsun.com/moral-distress-a-systemic-issue-in-l2-teaching/… moral distress is serious: trauma symptoms arising when a person cant act according to their moral beliefs, esp when they witness profound hurt and cant help. really common in helper jobs like teaching&nursing. ruins lives]

other big events:

  • ptsd from witnessing mami’s murder
  • being intentionally misled to believe she could be strong enough to make the world better and then being particularly weak as a meguca – body dysphoria due to “zombification” (separation of soul from body)
  • kyubey intentionally manipulating her emotions & exposing her to toxic experiences b/c that’s its intent from the beginning – traumatic physical pain&injury, including kyoko fights and witch fights (even if it physically heals, the memory of intense pain doesnt just disappear)
  • and of course, the boy problems. she doesn’t feel worthy to stand up for herself b/c of zombification, doesn’t believe she’s capable of love (deeply disturbing), tension between wanting to let hitomi pursue happiness at her expense & stand up for herself (honestly hitomi isn’t a v good friend here, but it’d be normal middle school drama if not for the rest)
  • kyubey tries to separate her from emotional support

all this happens over a short period. every one of these is hard to absorb emotionally+possibly shattering. but we don’t have an adult here; it’s a kid dealing with all this, with little guidance or nurture. sayaka miki is full of strength and good. she’s a wonderful child. but that breaks under intense, intentional duress and it’s totally unfair to hold that against her.

[Originally written for twitter]